Thursday, April 9, 2020

Sensory Experiences Exploring Reality

Learning and experiencing new objects and scenes depend on the number of sensory experiences involved into contemplation. In fact, the experience of contemplating the room by one individual cannot testify to the objectivity of the room.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sensory Experiences: Exploring Reality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Neither can different experiences become the proof of objective reality. At the same time, the existence of the objective reality as itself is justified by the emergence of various perceptions existing in spiritual form. Due to the fact that earthly flesh has constantly changing nature, the room that Kant describes can change as well, based on different perceptions. I agree with the idea that our attitude to the external environment depends not only on perception of sensory experience, but also on previous knowledge about the object to be perceived. Therefore, if Kant looks at t he room for the first time, he could make up an opinion about its various qualities and attributes. The second time of looking at the room will be evaluated on the premise of both new sensory experience and previous knowledge about it. The latter allows the viewer to present a comparative analysis of two different perceptions. In response to the objective reality, the author argues that our sensory experience also has a sequential nature. The difference in experience also depends on the shifts in perceptions once the priority of contemplating the object is changed. There is also a matter of ordering while looking at the object in the room. Hence, Kant focuses on his personal choice in choosing the sequence of looking at the objects. The above-presented assumptions premise on the theory of great chain of being introduced by Aristotle and Plato. According to this theory, our world and experience is composed of multiple chains and links. Due to the fact that the world is constantly cha nging, human experience of observing the objects surrounding them can be different all the time. In spite of the fact that material the world changes, the spiritual component remains permanent, which is important for understanding the concept of reality. In general, object position cannot be altered in the hierarchy. In nature, earth stands at the core of hierarchical chain because this element owns only the quality of existence. Each component that is directed upward focuses on the positive aspects of the previous chain. For instance, a human combines mortal, flesh characteristics and spiritual ones. Within the context of this dichotomy, body and soul become a whole in which the moral component is shaped. In case a human focuses on spirit, he/she could become much closer to the religious domain. Different outlooks and perceptions of the world influence human understanding of reality.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The theoretical framework and Kant observations are of great significance for understanding and evaluation the connection between human subjective perception and the objective representation of reality. The concept of reality, however, does not always coincide with the sum of perceptions on the objects. Therefore, different angles and sequences of contemplating the object can alter the position of objects. Kant’s observations do not only create different angles of perception, but also characterize reality in terms of its changeability. In addition, each person contemplating specific objects relies heavily on his/her experience while assigning various attributes to it. Therefore, a variety of subjective analyses provides a new meaning to objective reality and introduces a new dimension of perception. This essay on Sensory Experiences: Exploring Reality was written and submitted by user Remy O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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